NADKC Regional Derby Test

NADKC Regions

In 1996 the NADKC regionalized to accomodate growth within the club and to remove some of the barriers among club members due to the vastness of the United States and Canada. Six regions were established to incorporate members from both countries. In 2007 NADKC welcomed Mexico to the Mid South Region. A seventh region, Mid Atlantic, was added in 2016 to better serve club members.

Regional Map

NADKC Regional Map

Club Regions

Great Lakes

Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and the Canadian province of Ontario

Regional Director: Mark Moses,

Mid Atlantic

New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, New York

Regional Director: Robert Corsaro,

Mid South

Lousianna, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and the country of Mexico

Regional Director: Russell Fees,


Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and the Canadian province of Quebec

Regional Director: John Noldon,


Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida

Regional Director: Jonathan Allen,

Upper Midwest

North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wiconsin, Illinois, and the Canadian provinces of Manitoba, and Saskatchewan

Regional Director: Joe Gallo,


Washington, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia

Regional Director: Brad Prudhel,


Regional Activity

Each region elects a regional director every three years. The regional director may appoint support members such as a secretary and treasurer. Additionally, each region may have one or more test coordinators, depending upon the size and testing needs within the region. Typically, a region may schedule at least one Derby in the spring and one Solms/AZP or VGP in the fall. A Zuchtschau (conformation show) is held in conjunction with field tests.

Some regions schedule regular opportunities to participate in a mock test or plan on training sessions with other members who live within a reasonable driving distance. Contact your regional director for more information about training and testing opportunities in your area.

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