NADKC Judges Read Derby Test Results

Testing and Breeding

The German testing system functions as a guide to determine those dogs most fit for breeding and to help format a consistent way of producing dogs through use of testing, temperament evaluation, and conformation standards. This performance based testing structure has proved successful and beneficial for over a century to both breeder and individual owner and has given us the Deutsch Kurzhaar we know today.


The NADKC sponsors DKV (Deutsch Kurzhaar Verband, parent club of the NADKC) breed tests which are the Derby, Solms and AZP. These tests are based on a 4 point scoring system and are not tests available outside of DKV associated clubs. The NADKC also sponsors other JGHV tests such as the VGP. Any test may only be entered twice. Below, you will find a brief description of these tests.


The "Derby" test is for young dogs held in the spring for pups born the year before or in the last three months of the year before that. This is best described as a natural ability test in which the young dog's inherited abilities in the field and cooperation are evaluated against the DKV standard to show the breeding worth of the parents. The Derby is a test only held in the spring months and is annotated on an Ahnentafel with a "D" and prized scored.


The "Solms" name is short for Prince Albrecht zu Solms-Braunfels, for which the test is named after. The Solms is for "adolescents", held in the fall (following the spring Derby), and is also a natural ability test evaluating performance against the DKV standard. The Solms is a test meant to go hand-in-hand with the Derby to help show the mental stability, maturity, and trainability of the dog. In the Solms, the young dog's skills are more developed and more obedience is required. All things are measured at a higher level. For example, searching a marsh for a duck, retrieving feathered and furred game to hand and again observing the dog's nose, field search, pointing and cooperation are areas evaluated. Dogs that have entered a Solms have a "S" followed by the prize scored annotated on their Ahnentafeln.

AZP – (Alterszuchtprüfung)

The "AZP" is a test for older dogs, which for some reason missed their fall breed test (bitches in heat, injured dogs, etc). It is essentially, a Solms with more obedience required commensurate with the age of the dog. Ahentafeln are marked with "AZP" plus score.

Additional tests available include:

IKP – International Kurzhaar–Prüfung

This test is held in Europe every other year in the odd years (ex: 2005, 2007, 2009), alternating with the Kleemann.

NAKP – North American Kurzhaar- Prüfung

The NAKP was established in 2004 and is exactly like the IKP with the same rules, only held in North America. This test was created to off set those in North American having to travel overseas to Europe to test at the IKP. The NAKP is held in alternating even years (2006, 2008).

Kl. Ausl. Prfg – Kleemann Ausleseprüfung

The Kleemann test was named after Dr. Paul Kleemann, an important contributor to the Deutsch Kurzhaar breed. The Kleemann is held every other year in even numbered years (ex: 2006, 2008, 2010) and is judged on a pass or fail basis. Those dogs that pass receive the prestigious “KS” or Kurzhaar Sieger title that is added to their name (ex: Nougat KS vom Hege-Haus). The Kurzhaar Sieger, or Shorthair Champion, is considered the world championship for Shorthairs and is a test of strict judging and requires specific criteria for entering.

Zuchtschau (Breed show)

Zuchtschaus are held to evaluate the conformation of the dogs according to the DKV breed standard. In order to be considered for breed eligibility a dog must have been evaluated in conformation at least "Good" and passed standard as "Zuchttauglich" or fit for breeding.

DKV Breeding Requirements

To be approved fit for breeding (Zuchttauglich), a DKV-registered dog must have:

passed at least one of these performance tests: Solms, HZP, AZP or VGP

been evaluated at least "Good" in a Zuchtschau

and been approved "Hip Dysplasia Free" as evaluated by the DKV (x-ray sent to Germany).

The rules for breeding may be found in the "Grey Book", which contains the testing and breeding regulations in English, for NADKC members. Testing and breeding evaluations may be found in the Zuchtbuch, or the breedbook, published every year by the Zuchtbuchführer, containing, most importantly, certification and protection of new kennels, litter and individual dog registrations, plus test results for the year.

Graphic JGHV Hierarchy

JGHV Testing

The Jagdgebrauchshund Verband e.V (JGHV) is the umbrella organization of hunting-dog clubs in Germany that provides standardized tests for all hunting dogs. This organization functions to help standardize testing and promotes ethical hunting and game conservation. The DKV is a JGHV member club as well as the VDD-Group North America, and JGV-USA. (The JGV-USA being the non-breed specific organization like the JGHV, only in the USA.) A DKV registered dog is eligible for participation in any tests held by a club under the auspices of the JGHV. There are associated and similar tests that one may benefit from under the JGHV organization. These tests include:

VJP – Verbands Jugend Prüfung

This test is the rough equivalent to the DKV Derby but additionally includes tracking of a hare.

HZP – Herbstzucht Prüfung

The equivalent to the Solms. However, there is no provision for "older dog" testing such as the AZP.

VGP – Verbands Gebrauchs Prüfung

The Association Utility Test, a comprehensive two day test evaluating numerous categories proving your dog is a finished hunter.

Relational Structure

Any of the clubs with German recognized testing are affiliated with the umbrella club, the JGHV. The JGHV works with the VDH, the Verband für das Deutsch Hundewesen, the German umbrella club for all breeds in Germany, which acts as the FCI representative. Associated with the JGHV are the breed clubs such as the DKV, VDD, and DLV. Each parent breed club then over sees regional daughter clubs such as the NADKC, VDD-GNA, and the DL-GNA, which are also broken into additional regions.

FCI Affiliation

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) is an international organization based in France and acts as the World Canine Organization. A DKV registered dog carries a FCI pedigree, or what we call Ahnentafel. Dogs tested in DKV and JGHV tests must be registered in a registry that is affiliated with the FCI. The FCI does not recognize the American Kennel Club, the Canadian Kennel Club, or the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association. To test, all owners must be members of a JGHV-member club, like the NADKC or pay double entry fees.

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